Press — LoLo Gifts and Client Retention Tool

Press and Mentions


INC 5000 2022 List


LoLo ranks 1770 on the Inc 5000 2022 list of the fastest growing companies in the US! This is LoLo’s first time making the list, with a three year growth of 347%.

See the full list here

AVL Today


LoLo is one of 7 Asheville, NC area companies to rank on the 2022 Inc. 5000 list of the fastest growing companies in the U.S.

Read the article here.

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CapItal at Play


Capital at Play, a publication about enterprise in Western North Carolina, reconnected with LoLo to get an update on the business after speaking with us originally in 2016. Check out the interview to see how our business has evolved over the past four years.

Read the article here.

FLorida Realtor Magazine


Featured in the November/December issue of Florida REALTOR Magazine as a great way to connect with customers and show them appreciation.

Read the article here.

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Mention - Real Estate Magazine, (RISMedia)


The Gardner family of Gardner Realtors (now partnered with Latter & Blum) in New Orleans, LA, mentioned LoLo in this profile of their brokerage. Discussing how they continue to build relationships, they mentioned their partnership with LoLo.

Read the article here.

Mention - Real Estate Magazine, (RISMedia)


Tommy Brigham, Chairman and Founding Partner of ARC Realty, mentioned LoLo in an interview on best practices in the August, 2018 issue of Real Estate Magazine. The question was in regard to the “latest and most effective marketing practices being implemented” at their brokerage.

Read the article here

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CapiTal at Play


Capital at Play, a publication about enterprise in Western North Carolina, featured the LoLo Rewards program (prior to the Local Gift of the Month) in their June, 2016 edition.

Read the article here.