LoLo Privacy Statement — LoLo Gifts and Client Retention Tool

LoLo Privacy Statement

LoLo takes privacy seriously. LoLo’s goal is to be the best in class client engagement platform. LoLo uses recipients’ contact data to deliver gifts and will not sell users’ data to 3rd parties.

We consider ourselves in the space of companies like MailChimp, Constant Contact and Salesforce. Their business is based on providing value to their clients who import contact databases and would never violate that trust.

Our privacy policy is posted to the public, simply search “LoLo Gifts Privacy” and our policy appears as a result near the top.
We make it extremely easy to opt out of all communications. There’s a link at the bottom of each email that will prevent future emails for that campaign from that sender. There is also the ability to click STOP from any SMS text message.

When each user (Real Estate Agent, Sales Agent, Etc.) signs up for an account with LoLo they approve our terms and privacy policy as well as approving this statement:

I also confirm that I have an existing relationship (eg: client, friend, etc) with all gift recipients. I understand that rented or purchased lists are not allowed. I agree to LoLo's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

If you have more questions about privacy, please contact LoLo at